Use of brownie in Sentences. 40 Examples

The examples include brownie at the start of sentence, brownie at the end of sentence and brownie in the middle of sentence

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brownie at the start of sentence

  1. Brownie albums were provided, with spaces ready prepared for slotting in a sequence of the snapshots.
  2. Brownie albums were provided, with spaces ready prepared for slotting in a sequence of the snapshots.

brownie at the end of sentence

  1. It was a pretty big brownie.
  2. Surely it's worth a brownie.
  3. Look, President Clinton might host some questionable coffees, but he never would put the squeeze on a brownie!

brownie in the middle of sentence

  1. A brownie is always full of joy.
  2. I'm not doing it just to get brownie points.
  3. A brownie is organised and cares for cleanliness.
  4. A brownie is organised and cares for cleanliness.
  5. She's just trying to win brownie points with the boss.
  6. She's just trying to win brownie points with the boss.
  7. It won brownie points, but had little practical result.
  8. Sheila was now the Sixer and was on the brownie Highway.
  9. They would like to write to brownie pen-pals in Britain.
  10. She has to try and identify the brownie making the noise.
  11. She has to try and identify the brownie making the noise.
  12. They're just trying to score brownie points with politicians.
  13. Or it could be the brownie whose egg is in the best condition.
  14. I feel you almost get into a system of brownie points sometimes.
  15. Using overhanging foil as handles, lift brownie to cutting board.
  16. Using overhanging foil as handles, lift brownie to cutting board.
  17. Brenda looked forward eagerly to the arrival of the brownie Pack.
  18. Brenda looked forward eagerly to the arrival of the brownie Pack.
  19. In back, brownie Mary would be taking a new batch out of the oven.
  20. The blindfolded brownie points to some one and asks them to make a noise.
  21. The blindfolded brownie points to some one and asks them to make a noise.
  22. Although she lived a long way from the town, she seldom missed brownie Pack Meeting.
  23. Turning swiftly, she saw at once that the brownie was on the forbidden side of the fence.
  24. Turning swiftly, she saw at once that the brownie was on the forbidden side of the fence.
  25. I thought I could score some brownie points with my mother-in-law by offering to cook dinner.
  26. I thought I could score some brownie points with my mother-in-law by offering to cook dinner.
  27. She wouldn't be a real brownie if she flew home and left them stranded out on the snowy woods.
  28. Dropping the brownie Annual, Jenny ran up the dale alongside the river as hard as she could go.
  29. Mary's brownie training had helped to make and keep her wide awake, and her swift action saved her.
  30. Unless there are political brownie points from on high it is most unlikely you will receive assistance.
  31. Unless there are political brownie points from on high it is most unlikely you will receive assistance.
  32. She was poor but proud, and the 1st Shadwell brownie Pack had to be rather careful what they did for her.
  33. When a brownie adopts a house he happily takes responsibility for many household tasks, which he performs at night.
  34. There was no doubt at all that every brownie there was determined to think hard and hunt hard for a new Pack Meeting place.
  35. There was no doubt at all that every brownie there was determined to think hard and hunt hard for a new Pack Meeting place.

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