Use of incorporate in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include incorporate at the start of sentence, incorporate at the end of sentence and incorporate in the middle of sentence

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incorporate in the middle of sentence

  1. Paints incorporate with oil.
  2. They may also incorporate a transposition device.
  3. We had to incorporate the company for tax reasons.
  4. We can incorporate this information into our report.
  5. We will incorporate your suggestion in the new plan.
  6. Some designs incorporate a two - piece bonnet and yoke.
  7. These incorporate a very long run which promises high speed.
  8. The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements.
  9. We shall try to incorporate some of your ideas in our future plan.
  10. The further particulars given must incorporate the request or order.
  11. Queensway Quay will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities.
  12. Various design and control systems which incorporate intelligent processes.
  13. A successful unified theory must therefore necessarily incorporate this principle.
  14. The party vowed to incorporate environmental considerations into all its policies.
  15. Much of the growth, however, is now in systems that incorporate pre-packaged criteria.
  16. Like most romance fiction, Medical Romances incorporate a number of standard romance conventions.
  17. Many hotels will incorporate leisure facilities in the form of fitness centres or nightclubs, or both.
  18. The plans incorporate several revolutionary new concepts which, for obvious reasons, must be kept top secret.
  19. He has become more venturesome this season with dress designs that incorporate a variety of ethnic influences.
  20. Rules incorporate more traditional expertise in handling situations like bumping and alternate carrier vouchers.
  21. No doubt Eliza spent hours scouring the beds and walkways for native plants to incorporate in her bird drawings.
  22. But we know it can not be quite right because it doesn't incorporate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.
  23. Made from a mixture of egg white and icing sugar, it involves vigorous beating to incorporate as much air as possible.
  24. Some boots may be insulated with Thinsulate or a fibrepile lining and others may incorporate breathable, waterproof membranes.
  25. Some new-home builders are revamping their standard home design to better incorporate the needs and desires of immigrant buyers.
  26. Two departments rely mainly on a single source for their forecasts with perhaps slight alterations to incorporate their own views.
  27. Treaties, like any other form of agreement, characteristically incorporate both rights and duties as part of an interlocking bargain.
  28. The only way in which one could incorporate such fine-grained information from the Text710 would be to completely re-tag the LOB corpus.
  29. People are likely to create at least one piece of paper when making an agreement of sufficient complexity to incorporate expert determination.

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