Use of archetype in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include archetype at the start of sentence, archetype at the end of sentence and archetype in the middle of sentence

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archetype at the end of sentence

  1. Milk-white and embroidered flowers, symbols of the maiden archetype.
  2. The spouse may recurrently cheat upon the one with Athena archetype.
  3. Thus, the value of bedtime snacks, of which milk and cookies are still the archetype.

archetype in the middle of sentence

  1. Odysseus is the archetype of the wanderer.
  2. She is the archetype of an American movie star.
  3. The most important archetype of all is the self.
  4. The 18 th archetype is the Bearer of Fulfillment.
  5. That old engine is the archetype of modern locomotives.
  6. The United States is the archetype of a federal society.
  7. France is the archetype of the centralized nation-state.
  8. Dionysus is eternally the fundamental archetype in western art.
  9. Old Mr. Duff is the archetype of the elderly British gentleman.
  10. At last, it implements a small privilege management archetype system.
  11. For most of us, France is the archetype of the centralized nation-state.
  12. Clearly the appeal of the Virgo archetype belonged to the spirit of the age.
  13. Innovation should be the correct interpretation of the archetype, the prototype.
  14. Jell-O is in many ways the edible version of an elemental archetype: Deadly beauty.
  15. China is the archetype of an economy that is well integrated into global production chains.
  16. He came to this country 20 years ago and is the archetype of the successful Asian businessman.
  17. Each needs an archetype, a gold standard, to allow their specimens to be put in the correct cabinet.
  18. Thus, in the bowels of the flush toilet we see the archetype for all autonomous mechanical creatures.
  19. The motivated, well-trained immigrant was not a subgroup of students but an archetype of all students.
  20. The biblical Mary is a powerful cultural archetype whose story has spoken to women across the centuries.
  21. After all, an organisational configuration is often interpreted an archetype of different characteristics.
  22. Based on the archetype of Chinese garden and the case study, this paper discusses design tactics of Chin...
  23. The internal logic of a clock as it measures off time by a complicated parade of movements is the archetype of a sequential system.
  24. I had written a learned book, Architrave and archetype, a thesis linking human aspiration with human-designed structures, cathedrals in particular.
  25. The archetype theory from" The Great Mother: An Analysis the archetype" written by Erich Neumann has been used to analysis firstborn daughter 's images.

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