Use of wag in Sentences. 27 Examples

The examples include wag at the start of sentence, wag at the end of sentence and wag in the middle of sentence

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wag at the end of sentence

  1. He's a bit of a wag.
  2. Go to! You are a wag.
  3. His silvery tongue began to wag.
  4. An event that made heads turn and tongues wag.
  5. It'should be noted that the vibration is not wig - wag.
  6. This is a small island and tongues are beginning to wag .
  7. Loden's hackles subsided[sentence dictionary], his tail began to wag.
  8. They tried to keep their affair secret, but it wasn't long before tongues began to wag.

wag in the middle of sentence

  1. All asses wag their ears.
  2. I'll not wag an ace further.
  3. I didn't wag my finger at him.
  4. The dog gave a wag of its tail.
  5. Pete: wag your head like a puppet.
  6. Some wag had drawn a face on the wall.
  7. Can the Libyan tail wag the Egyptian dog?
  8. Dogs wag their tails when they are pleased.
  9. I overcontrolled the pedals, making the tail wag back and forth.
  10. The man with the thin hair continued to shout and wag his finger.
  11. All drawn by the wag Willie Rushton, they are each priced at £75.
  12. They took a peek, and then did everything but lay down and wag their tails.
  13. With a single wag of her finger she managed to convey her total disapproval.
  14. Some wag had already filched a target and pinned it on Sylvester's unknowing back.
  15. When I said something to him he would look, wag, and put his snout back to the window.
  16. A yellow hammer sang from its perch in a patch of gorse and a grey wag tail flew over.
  17. Eddie, however, having no tail to wag, was simply smiling, something he's very good at.
  18. Silvery water swirled beneath and we spied grey wag tails on wet boulders in mid-stream.
  19. As one wag put it, as it was the opening of the toilets, perhaps they should have invited Lou Macari.

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