Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of waddle

waddle meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
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Use of waddle in Sentence [16 examples]

1) waddle


Walking with short steps and the weight tilting from one foot to the other.
Ducks walk with a waddle.
لڑکھڑاتے ہوۓ چلنا
ہلتے ہوۓ چلنا

2) waddle


Walk unsteadily.
Small children toddle.
لڑکھڑاتے ہوئے چلنا
لڑکھڑاتے ہوۓ چلنا
مشکل سے چلنا
ڈگمگا کر چلنا

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