Use of tectonic in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include tectonic at the start of sentence, tectonic at the end of sentence and tectonic in the middle of sentence

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tectonic in the middle of sentence

  1. The tectonic trends in the granulito massif are arcuate.
  2. I described the grinding of the tectonic plates in Humboldt county.
  3. Today the Gulf of Aden is a full-fledged ocean by tectonic standards.
  4. Earthquakes are caused by two tectonic plates bumping into each other.
  5. They will be those who understand the movement of the economic tectonic plates.
  6. The tectonic plates are no more permanent than the sovereign countries of the world.
  7. The relations reflect the nature of the tectonic movement, that is, gradual or cyclic.
  8. In the former the tectonic movement and the migration of troughs is to the south and southwest.
  9. This year, two tectonic plates are shifting in a fashion that could cause economic earthquakes.
  10. The compilation of a new tectonic map of Great Britain, Ireland and the surrounding seas began.
  11. The example of the development of today's plate tectonic model of the Earth follows this pattern.
  12. A Plate tectonic Re-cap Rather a lot has been said in this chapter about the minor details of lava flows.
  13. Some of it has been sliced off a base of rock thousands of miles away and transported by tectonic forces.
  14. Earthquakes line the borders of the tectonic plates and are symptoms of the perpetual motion inside our planet.
  15. There are no known tectonic plate boundaries in the area but a very ancient boundary may be lurking in the area.
  16. Iceland lies on the convergence of two tectonic plates and is one of the most volcanically active areas in the world.
  17. I receive a short course in geophysics, punctuated by the tectonic lessons of the region through which we are driving.
  18. We don't know whether they're localized or whether they spread out and lubricate the movements of the tectonic plates.
  19. Others suggest that the buildup of mountains by tectonic movement may also serve as a trigger, by altering air currents.
  20. Yet it was not until researchers extended the same effort to the oceans that the bigger tectonic picture fell into place.
  21. The latter two are simple destructive plate margin volcanoes, but the Plate tectonic setting of Vesuvius is a bit complex.
  22. Heat flow modelling was based on the matching of calculated tectonic subsidence profiles with theoretical stretching curves.
  23. Conclusions After penetrating keratoplasty, the wounds of corneal graft show tectonic instability and poor resistance to tension.
  24. The environments did not change, it was the changes in the tectonic situation that ensured the preservation of the two formations.
  25. The plate tectonic theory reveals the seafloor spreading and plate lateral movement, and illustrates magmatism related to plate boundaries.
  26. A stock index does not oscillate with such frightening amplitude as we have witnessed recently unless to announce some tectonic change ahead.
  27. It is important to distinguish such erosional features from true tectonic scarps since only the latter indicate recent or current fault activity.
  28. Sandstone sequences are the result of both provenance and tectonic environment, modified by climate, depositional environment and later diagenetic events.
  29. Recent tectonic stress field is entirely dominated by the principal compressive stress with the components, whose orientation is in level, approximate level or sideling direction.

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