Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of stubborn

stubborn meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
stubborn Urdu Meaning stubborn Urdu Meaning stubborn Urdu Meaning stubborn Urdu Meaning
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Use of stubborn in Sentence [28 examples]

1) stubborn


Tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield.
Don`t be stubborn.
You are so stubborn child.

2) stubborn

Not responding to treatment.
A stubborn infection.
A refractory case of acne.
Stubborn rust stains.

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trisomy -
آدمی میں ۴۶ سے ایک زائد کَروموسوم کا ہونا یَعنی ۴۷ کَروموسوز کا ہونا سَہ مورثیت
Chrosomal abnormality in which there is one more than the normal number of chromosomes in a cell