Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of strike

strike meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
strike Urdu Meaning strike Urdu Meaning
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Use of strike in Sentence [25 examples]

1) strike


Occupy or take on.
Don`t take us easy.
He assumes the lotus position.
She took her seat on the stage.
We took our seats in the orchestra.
She took up her position behind the tree.
Strike a pose.

2) strike


A group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions.
The strike lasted more than a month before it was settled.
مطالبات کے حصول کے لئےکام بند کرنا

3) strike


Deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon.
The teacher struck the child.
The opponent refused to strike.
The boxer struck the attacker dead.

4) strike


An attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective.
The strike was scheduled to begin at dawn.

5) strike


Hit against; come into sudden contact with.
The car hit a tree.
He struck the table with his elbow.

6) strike


Make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target.
The Germans struck Poland on Sept. 1, 1939.
We must strike the enemy's oil fields.
In the fifth inning, the Giants struck, sending three runners home to win the game 5 to 2.
حملہ کرنا

7) strike


Stop work in order to press demands.
The auto workers are striking for higher wages.
The employees walked out when their demand for better benefits was not met.
بات منوانے کے لئے کام بند کرنا
ہڑتال کرنا

8) strike


Touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly.
Light fell on her face.
The sun shone on the fields.
The light struck the golden necklace.
A strange sound struck my ears.

9) strike


The horse finally struck a pace.
حاصل ترنا
پکڑ لینا

10) strike


Find unexpectedly.
The archeologists chanced upon an old tomb.
She struck a goldmine.
The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake.
اتفاقا پانا
اتفاقا ملنا
اچانک پا لینا

11) strike


Remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line.
Please strike this remark from the record.
Scratch that remark.
مٹا دینا
ہٹا دینا

12) strike


Form by stamping, punching, or printing.
Strike coins.
Strike a medal.
ٹھپا لگانا

13) strike


Pierce with force.
The bullet struck her thigh.
The icy wind struck through our coats.
گھس جانا

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