Use of scoundrel in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include scoundrel at the start of sentence, scoundrel at the end of sentence and scoundrel in the middle of sentence

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scoundrel at the end of sentence

  1. He is a lying scoundrel!
  2. They described the man as a scoundrel.
  3. He was designated by the name as a scoundrel.
  4. What should he do about that young scoundrel?
  5. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
  6. The wolf is not a desperado, but a scoundrel.
  7. This wolf is not a desperado, but a scoundrel.
  8. She would tell the press about this scoundrel.
  9. Why let yourself be led away with that kind of scoundrel?
  10. He described in detail their fighting against the scoundrel.
  11. It was especially galling to be criticised by this scoundrel.
  12. " I'm having nothing more to do with Chao Po - tao , the scoundrel!
  13. He is fond of Machiavelli the rake, the prankster and the scoundrel.
  14. Whatever else may be said of him, Jackson is neither stupid nor a scoundrel.

scoundrel in the middle of sentence

  1. He's a scoundrel! A cad!
  2. Say, you old scoundrel, do the honors.
  3. I gave the scoundrel a slap in the face.
  4. That scoundrel harbored a murderous heart.
  5. That shopkeeper is a scoundrel in the town.
  6. The scoundrel pinched money from the old man.
  7. You infernal scoundrel, how dare you tell me that?
  8. Jacob is a double-dyed scoundrel who would rob his own mother!
  9. When the scoundrel tried to humiliate the girl, the police came.
  10. The Characters Robin Hood: A scoundrel and a thief, but good-hearted.
  11. An unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person a scoundrel or rascal.
  12. Thus the fool, as compared with the scoundrel, is invariably self-complacent.
  13. I know you, you scoundrel! I have heard of you before. You are Holmes, the meddler.
  14. He was, she said, a heartless scoundrel who had stripped her of everything she owned.
  15. And he thought the picky scoundrel would not be interested in speaking to such an audience.

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