Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of repelling

repelling meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
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Use of repelling in Sentence [29 examples]

1) repelling


Cause to move back by force or influence.
Repel the enemy.
Push back the urge to smoke.
Beat back the invaders.
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2) repelling

Highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust.
A disgusting smell.
Distasteful language.
A loathsome disease.
The idea of eating meat is repellent to me.
Revolting food.
A wicked stench.
قابل نفرت

3) repelling


Force or drive back.
Repel the attacker.
Fight off the onslaught.
Rebuff the attack.
روک دینا
دھکا دینا
پیچھے ہٹا دینا

4) repelling


Reject outright and bluntly.
She snubbed his proposal.
رد کرنا

5) repelling


Fill with distaste.
This spoilt food disgusts me.
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