Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of reorder

reorder meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
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Use of reorder in Sentence [28 examples]

1) reorder


A repeated order for the same merchandise
he's the one who sends out all the new orders and reorders
پھِر یا نئے سِرے سے اشیاۓ تجارت کاحُکم ۔

2) reorder


Assign a new order to
پھِر یا نئے سِرے سے حُکم دینا ۔

3) reorder


Make a new request to be supplied with
The store had to reorder the popular CD several times
مال کے لئےنئی درخواست کرنا

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