Use of regularity in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include regularity at the start of sentence, regularity at the end of sentence and regularity in the middle of sentence

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regularity at the start of sentence

  1. Regularity of meals remains important, especially for the obese.

regularity at the end of sentence

  1. They meet with great regularity.
  2. New word formations have not regularity.
  3. His life was one of unambitious regularity.
  4. Interest and dividends are paid with regularity.
  5. Our team kept losing with monotonous regularity .
  6. Planes passed overhead with unceasing regularity.
  7. Aircraft passed overhead with monotonous regularity .
  8. A number of players crop up with alarming regularity.
  9. None of the lights seemed to work with any regularity.
  10. New secretaries came and went with monotonous regularity.
  11. Sons followed their fathers 'trade with a high degree of regularity.
  12. His financial problems hit the headlines with almost metronomic regularity.
  13. Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity.
  14. The same familiar faces reappear in the law courts with depressing regularity.

regularity in the middle of sentence

  1. He exercised with a regularity that amazed us.
  2. Is there any regularity in English word stress?
  3. The idea is to maintain the regularity of the heartbeat.
  4. Climate change is disrupting the regularity of the seasons.
  5. He continued to appear in the office with unfailing regularity thereafter.
  6. Shells now began to fall with increasing regularity among closely packed men.
  7. Experimenters have succeeded in controlling the rate and regularity of the heartbeat.
  8. Traditionally, governmental audit has been concerned with the financial and regularity audit.
  9. Its basic objective was to stimulate the regularity and safety of international air transport.
  10. The overdraft arrangements had been generous because of the regularity of the half-yearly payments.
  11. Getting the pound down was what Labour governments did with metronomic regularity. Fat lot of good it did them.
  12. Thus, a regularity in discourse is a linguistic feature which occurs in a definable environment with a significant frequency.
  13. Day-to-day television, in its regularity and its availability, seems regulated by repetition and modulated by acceptable difference.
  14. The different local councils coordinate their activities with varying regularity and a number of national meetings have taken place.

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