Use of proposal in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include proposal at the start of sentence, proposal at the end of sentence and proposal in the middle of sentence

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proposal at the end of sentence

  1. The boss approved my proposal.
  2. Will you approve the proposal?
  3. Is he favourable to the proposal?
  4. What do you think of my proposal?
  5. They are favorable to the proposal.
  6. Is he favorable to or against the proposal?
  7. I feel that we ought to accept his proposal.
  8. I cannot give my blessing to such a proposal.
  9. They mounted stiff resistance to the proposal.
  10. A panel of experts has looked at the proposal.
  11. We agreed on a skeleton outline of the proposal.
  12. Some of them doubted the feasibility of the proposal.
  13. We do not anticipate any objections to your proposal.
  14. They launched out into a violent debate over proposal.
  15. After a short courtship, she accepted his marriage proposal.
  16. There are countless arguments against this ridiculous proposal.

proposal in the middle of sentence

  1. His proposal is not acceptable.
  2. We can't finish our proposal in time.
  3. We agreed the proposal was a good one.
  4. She refused him/his proposal of marriage.
  5. The proposal provoked widespread criticism.
  6. He opposed the proposal to build a new hall.
  7. The proposal is gaining more and more adherents.
  8. She made the proposal, and I readily consented .
  9. This proposal will incense conservation campaigners.
  10. The proposal aroused little enthusiasm in the group.
  11. The conference approved a proposal for a referendum.
  12. Her fellow teachers greeted her proposal with scorn .
  13. The proposal proposed by the President was sailed through.

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