Use of precis in Sentences. 23 Examples

The examples include precis at the start of sentence, precis at the end of sentence and precis in the middle of sentence

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precis at the start of sentence

  1. Precis this chapter in two pages.
  2. Precis writers and stenographers are in a similar position.
  3. Precis, however, does not specify particular receivers or adjust the information content to them.
  4. Precis The aim of this thesis is to discuss the change of reform theory and reform practice in Victorian Britain.

precis at the end of sentence

  1. Include only the essential points when you write a precis.
  2. Autopilot integrative test system can accomplish the component test and the system combine test, which are stipulated in the test precis.

precis in the middle of sentence

  1. B2 is a precis, giving only a summary of the original.
  2. That was Han Solo's hurried precis on his old pal, Lando Calrissian.
  3. Significant item carries out precis writer on the company, arranges filing.
  4. The roles of precis are important devices to control the syntax in subject indexing.
  5. You can only burn away those precis writers , let all memory become the trail disappearing away.
  6. By writing a precis you boil a passage down to its essentials, and the meaning should then be crystal clear!
  7. China has carried out the rich but systematic precis writer on the new star , this has been unique in in the world.
  8. It is necessary to re-calibrate the outputs of precis when they are used as input data for potential impacts assessment work.
  9. Lastly, we might note the apparent similarity of this exercise to the traditional exercise of precis, the shortening of texts.
  10. Therefore, the determining factor for the success of the Pearl Homestead Project is the precis market selection and sales strategy.
  11. I suppose further that you need a precis of the idea so you can decide whether the suggestion is feasible and warrants more exploration.
  12. Earlier this year, in March, a "precis" was published by the Department of Defense Command and Control Research Center entitled The Agility Imperative.
  13. It is. difficult to precis. ly define smuggling, because smugglers constantly adapt their activities to get around new regulations and customs controls.
  14. The precis (Providing REgional Climates for Impacts Studies) initiative was highlighted by participants as one of the useful experiences in this regard .
  15. When the Abstract is divided into sections, as described above, the author is often required to provide a single-sentence precis of the work in his paper.
  16. Two clicks after launching the program, I'm asked to name my novel and come up with a one-sentence precis that includes a character, conflict and resolution.
  17. IITM uses precis, a high-resolution regional climate model developed by the UK's Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, to simulate climate change up to 2071–2100.

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