1) pathetic |
Deserving or inciting pity. A hapless victim. Miserable victims of war. The shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic. Piteous appeals for help. Pitiable homeless children. A pitiful fate. Oh, you poor thing. His poor distorted limbs. A wretched life. | بدقسمت دردناک دل سوز قابل رحم قابل افسوس |
2) pathetic |
Inspiring mixed contempt and pity. Their efforts were pathetic. Pitiable lack of character. Pitiful exhibition of cowardice. | رحم دل درد مند دل سوز افسوس ناک |
3) pathetic |
Inspiring scornful pity. How silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years. | احمق |