Use of parody in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include parody at the start of sentence, parody at the end of sentence and parody in the middle of sentence

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parody at the end of sentence

  1. She has a gift for parody.
  2. He attacked her ideas through parody.
  3. She's an expert in the art of pastiche and parody.
  4. His personality made him an easy subject for parody.

parody in the middle of sentence

  1. The trial was a parody of justice.
  2. He sighed in a parody of deep emotion.
  3. The first trial was a parody of justice.
  4. She has written a cruel parody of his book.
  5. This article is a grotesque parody of the truth.
  6. Ancient parody was free of any nihilistic denial.
  7. "It was a parody of a trial, " said one observer.
  8. A parody, a surrealistic sculpture in green slime.
  9. He swung the door wide open in a parody of welcome.
  10. Tallis has written a cruel parody of Hartman's prose.
  11. The movie is a devastating parody of the star's life.
  12. The show included a parody on current affairs programmes.
  13. She has become a grotesque parody of her former elegant self.
  14. Is his dramatic performance appropriate parody or merely amateurish?
  15. Although his comment was a parody of the truth, Diana was upset by it.
  16. It was as if he was doing a parody of a president returning from an overseas trip.
  17. There is a particularly welcome parody of the current theatrical mania for sloping floors.
  18. Well-meant though it was, the gesture was terrible, creating a ghastly parody of femininity.
  19. "The Scarlet Capsule" was a parody of the popular 1959 TV series "The Quatermass Experiment".
  20. One of the papers is running a competition in which you've got to parody a well-known author.
  21. But all three novels also exhibit significant variations on parody as it has been practised in the past.
  22. Its masthead is a parody of mastheads; its subscription card carries a hilarious attack on subscription cards.
  23. She has become a parody of herself, doomed to spend the rest of her life acting out her own mythical qualities.
  24. Thus language begins to parody itself, and so does literature, as Joyce shows in the Ithaca section of Ulysses.
  25. But blending parody and nostalgia about an era a half-century removed from the lives of the core audience seems a foolish indulgence.

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