Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of okay

okay meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
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Use of okay in Sentence [29 examples]

1) okay


An endorsement.
They gave us the O.K. to go ahead.
Okeh i will come tomorrow.
ٹھیک ہے

2) okay


Give sanction to.
I approve of his educational policies.
تو ثیق کرنا
منظوری دینا

3) okay

Being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition.
An all-right movie.
The passengers were shaken up but are all right.
Is everything all right?
Everything's fine.
Things are okay.
Dinner and the movies had been fine.
Another minute I'd have been fine.
تسلی بخش

4) okay


In a satisfactory or adequate manner.
She'll do okay on her own.
Held up all right under pressure.

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