Use of misuse in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include misuse at the start of sentence, misuse at the end of sentence and misuse in the middle of sentence

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misuse at the start of sentence

  1. Misuse of the equipment could endanger the lives of staff and students.

misuse at the end of sentence

  1. He was sacked for computer misuse.
  2. The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for damage caused by misuse.
  3. The effectiveness of this class of drug has, however, led to their misuse.
  4. Children who begin smoking when young are at greater risk from drugs misuse.
  5. The only serious incident that has ever occurred involved a clear and flagrant case of product alteration and misuse.

misuse in the middle of sentence

  1. His career was ruined through the misuse of drugs.
  2. Reported opioid misuse seems to reflect this trend.
  3. It disturbs me profoundly that you so misuse your talents.
  4. There was no guarantee against misuse of the king's power.
  5. There is concern that the judges might misuse their power.
  6. The new law toughens up penalties for those that misuse guns.
  7. He was eventually convicted for the misuse of official funds.
  8. Some of these rules prohibit the misuse of inside information.
  9. He has taken a public stand on the issue of misuse of hospital funds.
  10. Another 100, 000 premature deaths stem from the abuse and misuse of alcohol.
  11. But the Red Cross says every misuse of its symbol could put its workers in danger.
  12. They remained under judicial investigation in connection with misuse of state funds.
  13. This new computer system is completely unnecessary and a misuse of taxpayers' money.
  14. As a safeguard against misuse, memorize your PIN number immediately and destroy this advice slip.
  15. The potential for abuse and misuse of genome and cloning technology has always been a quiet threat.
  16. We will bring forward proposals to ensure that the control of drug misuse is co-ordinated effectively.
  17. The issue has, to date, arisen in the context of public law cases alleging misuse of statutory powers.
  18. We also need to be aware that under pressure, all of us are vulnerable to alcohol misuse and even addiction.
  19. Pameton is little publicised because it is of value only to that small number of people who may misuse medicines.
  20. A minimal requirement for outrage about the misuse of scholarship is to recognize different types of scholarship.
  21. Refusal in payment, forgery or any other misuse thereby became treason or sacrilege and attracted savage penalties.
  22. Statistics on the misuse of knives are not readily available, because misuse is categorised under other offences, such as assault.
  23. The Red Cross claims that every misuse of the symbol undermines its authority and endangers its members operating in difficult conditions.

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