Use of focus in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include focus at the start of sentence, focus at the end of sentence and focus in the middle of sentence

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focus at the start of sentence

  1. Focus on small goals instead of big ones.
  2. Focus on making a short, firm follow-through.

focus at the end of sentence

  1. The binoculars were not in focus .
  2. He raised his binoculars and adjusted the focus.
  3. The scene was beautifully captured in soft focus.
  4. These issues have recently come into sharp focus .

focus in the middle of sentence

  1. I'm so tired I can't focus today.
  2. Now the focus is on draining the water.
  3. Try and focus your mind on your lessons.
  4. She was the focus of everyone's attention.
  5. The new system is the focus of controversy.
  6. Her children are the main focus of her life.
  7. Her beauty makes her the focus of attention.
  8. The focus on my camera isn't working properly.
  9. He felt he needed to focus more on his career.
  10. The noise made it hard for me to focus on work.
  11. In tonight's programme our focus is on Germany.
  12. Education is the current focus of public debate.
  13. I think Dave likes to be the focus of attention.
  14. It's time to focus on the company's core business.
  15. The company needs to focus on its biggest clients.
  16. Magnetic coils focus the electron beams into fine spots.
  17. In the background, in soft focus, we see his smiling wife.
  18. The key focus of the marketing mix will be on price and distribution.
  19. The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees.
  20. His administration's economic policy would focus on reining in inflation.
  21. If you focus the sun's rays on dry wood with a burning-glass, it will start burning.
  22. should always learn from everything; should focus on in order to know more, know all.
  23. The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

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