Use of flux in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include flux at the start of sentence, flux at the end of sentence and flux in the middle of sentence

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flux at the end of sentence

  1. Events are in a state of flux.
  2. Our society is in a state of flux .
  3. The world economy is in a state of flux.
  4. It show-cased a band in a state of flux.
  5. The audience are caught in a state of flux.
  6. The education system is still in a state of flux .
  7. Organization of the company was then in a state of flux.
  8. All of these categories are necessarily in constant flux.
  9. It shows that species are not set in stone, but are always in flux.
  10. Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
  11. Heraclitus asserted that all nature is the unity of opposites and constant flux.
  12. These graduates haven't found jobs yet; to them everything is in a state of flux.
  13. Guided by the churning within the planet, the crust of the earth has been in a constant state of flux.
  14. In continental plate tectonics what seems static, the surface of the earth, is in reality in constant flux.

flux in the middle of sentence

  1. But the flux is also experiential.
  2. Everything is in flux at the moment.
  3. Our plans are in a state of flux at the moment.
  4. The world is in continuous flux and is impermanent.
  5. Things are in flux and the new T'ang has asked for me.
  6. Things have been in a state of flux since father's death.
  7. The education system is still in a state of flux following the recent reform.
  8. Education remains in a state of flux which will take some time to settle down.
  9. Under these conditions, the scattered flux is minimal along the crystallographic axes.
  10. It is alive and ever changing, constantly in a state of flux - and often flowing away from us.
  11. As the winding current is increased, however, the flux density in the iron eventually reaches its saturation level.
  12. Back-arc spreading may be initiated within the volcanic arc because the high heat flux from below weakens the lithosphere.
  13. Indeed, the signal from the mat flux episodes may have to be filtered out to permit conventional Milankovitch band analysis.
  14. A doctrine of creation could give coherence to scientific endeavor in so far as it implied a dependable order behind the flux of nature.

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