Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of expel

expel meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
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Use of expel in Sentence [29 examples]

1) expel


Force to leave or move out.
He was expelled from his native country.
باہر پھینک دینا
باہر نکالنا
خارج کرنا
ہٹا دینا

2) expel


Remove from a position or office.
The chairman was ousted after he misappropriated funds.
بے دخل کرنا
محروم کر دینا
نکال باہر کرنا
کسی عہدے سے برطرف کرنا

3) expel


Eliminate (a substance).
Combustion products are exhausted in the engine.
The plant releases a gas.
خارج کرنا

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