Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of commendable

commendable meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
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Use of commendable in Sentence [45 examples]

1) commendable

Worthy of high praise.
Applaudable efforts to save the environment.
A commendable sense of purpose.
Laudable motives of improving housing conditions.
A significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence.
تعریف کے قابل
قابل تعریف
قابل تحسین
قابل تعریف
مستحق تعریف

2) commendable


In an admirable manner.
The children's responses were admirably normal.
بطریق احسن
قابل تعریف طور پر
قابل تحسین انداز میں

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