1) breakNoun
Some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity. The telephone is an annoying interruption. There was a break in the action when a player was hurt. | رکاوٹ خلل |
2) breakVerb
Terminate. She interrupted her pregnancy. Break a lucky streak. Break the cycle of poverty. | ختم کرنا |
3) breakVerb
Assign to a lower position; reduce in rank. She was demoted because she always speaks up. He was broken down to Sergeant. | عہدہ کم کرنا
تنزلی کرنا درجہ کم کرنا درجہ گھٹانا |
4) breakVerb
Become separated into pieces or fragments. The figurine broke. The freshly baked loaf fell apart. | ٹوٹنا ٹکڑے ہوجانا |
5) breakVerb
Render inoperable or ineffective. You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart! | توڑنا |
6) breakNoun
A personal or social separation (as between opposing factions). They hoped to avoid a break in relations. | علیحدگی جدائی پھوٹ ناچاقی |
7) breakVerb
Ruin completely. He busted my radio! | خراب کرنا |
8) breakNoun
A pause from doing something (as work). We took a 10-minute break. He took time out to recuperate. | وقفہ |
9) breakVerb
Destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments. He broke the glass plate. She broke the match. | ٹکڑے کرنا |
10) breakNoun
The act of breaking something. The breakage was unavoidable. | توڑ پہوڑ ٹوٹنا ٹوٹ پہوٹ |
11) breakVerb
Act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises. Offend all laws of humanity. Violate the basic laws or human civilization. Break a law. Break a promise. | خلاف ورزی کرنا وعدہ خلافی کرنا وعدہ توڑنا قانون توڑنا |
12) breakNoun
A time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something. | ٹھہراو
وقفہ |
13) breakVerb
Move away or escape suddenly. The horses broke from the stable. Three inmates broke jail. Nobody can break out--this prison is high security. | بھاگ جانا اچانک بھاگ نکلنا |
14) breakNoun
Breaking of hard tissue such as bone. It was a nasty fracture. The break seems to have been caused by a fall. | ہڈی کا ٹوٹنا |
15) breakVerb
Scatter or part. The clouds broke after the heavy downpour. | بکھر جانا |
16) breakNoun
The occurrence of breaking. The break in the dam threatened the valley. | دراڑ |
17) breakVerb
Prevent completion. Stop the project right now. Break off the negotiations. | روکنا
بند کر دینا ختم کرنا |
18) breakVerb
Enter someone's (virtual or real) property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act. Someone broke in while I was on vacation. They broke into my car and stole my radio! Who broke into my account last night? | ناجائز طور پر داخل ہونا |
19) breakVerb
Make submissive, obedient, or useful. The horse was tough to break. I broke in the new intern. | تابیدار بنانا قائل کرنا |
20) breakNoun
An act of delaying or interrupting the continuity. It was presented without commercial breaks. There was a gap in his account. | رکاوٹ خلل |
21) breakVerb
Fail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns. This sentence violates the rules of syntax. | خلاف ورزی کرنا |
22) breakVerb
Make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret. The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold. The actress won't reveal how old she is. Bring out the truth. He broke the news to her. Unwrap the evidence in the murder case. | ظاہر کرنا آشکار کرنا افشا کر دینا |
23) breakNoun
An escape from jail. The breakout was carefully planned. | جیل توڑ کر بھاگنا |
24) breakVerb
Stop operating or functioning. My car has broken down. The engine finally went. The car died on the road. The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town. The coffee maker broke. The engine failed on the way to town. Her eyesight went after the accident. | خراب ہو جانا
چلتے چلتے کام کرنا چھوڑ دینا |
25) breakVerb
Lessen in force or effect. Soften a shock. Break a fall. | شدت کم کرنا کمزور کرنا کم کرنا ہلکا کرنا |
26) breakVerb
Come to an end. The heat wave finally broke yesterday. | ختم ہو جانا |
27) breakVerb
Give up. Break cigarette smoking. | چہوڑ دینا |
28) breakVerb
Happen or take place. Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months. | واقع ہونا |
29) breakVerb
Invalidate by judicial action. The will was broken. | کالعدم کرنا |
30) breakVerb
Discontinue an association or relation; go different ways. The business partners broke over a tax question. The couple separated after 25 years of marriage. My friend and I split up. | علیحدہ ہونا
تعلق ختم ہونا الگ ہو جانا |
31) breakVerb
Reduce to bankruptcy. My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me! The slump in the financial markets smashed him. | دیوالیہ کر نا قرضدار بنادینا مقروض کرنا |
32) breakVerb
Break down, literally or metaphorically. The wall collapsed. The business collapsed. The dam broke. The roof collapsed. The wall gave in. The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice. | دھنس جانا ٹوٹ جانا گرنا گر جانا |
33) breakVerb
Exchange for smaller units of money. I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy. | کھلا کرانا |
34) breakVerb
Go to pieces. The lawn mower finally broke. The gears wore out. The old chair finally fell apart completely. | ٹوٹ جانا
ٹوٹ کر بکھر جانا |
35) breakVerb
Pierce or penetrate. The blade broke her skin. | گھسنا |
36) breakVerb
Be released or become known; of news. News of her death broke in the morning. | عام ہونا |
37) breakVerb
Cease an action temporarily. We pause for station identification. Let's break for lunch. | معطل کرنا کچھ دیر کے لیے روکنا |
38) breakVerb
Happen. Report the news as it develops. These political movements recrudesce from time to time. | ظاہر ہونا ہونا |
39) breakVerb
Become fractured; break or crack on the surface only. The glass cracked when it was heated. | چٹخنا |