Use of appertain in Sentences. 12 Examples

The examples include appertain at the start of sentence, appertain at the end of sentence and appertain in the middle of sentence

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appertain in the middle of sentence

  1. These figures appertain to last year's sales.
  2. The control of traffic appertains to the police.
  3. Next Trent had listed those facts appertaining to his own role.
  4. She enjoyed the privileges appertaining to the office of chairman.
  5. Of all the great interest appertain to our country, that of union _ cordial.
  6. The responsibilities that appertain to parenthood were discussed at the meeting.
  7. A monthly forum was set up to deal with all issues appertaining to Everton Park.
  8. There are anachronisms and incongruities over what properly appertains to a given age or nation.
  9. Clearly, however, these matters appertain as much to private economy as to the economy of whole nations.
  10. Somewhat is by its quality, firstly finite, secondly alterable; so that finitude and variability appertain to its being.
  11. The procedure for the obtaining and giving of further particulars of defence is the same as appertains in relation to further particulars of claim.
  12. For every high priest taken from among men, is ordained for men in the things that appertain to God, that he may offer up gifts and sacrifices for sins.

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