Use of Sculptor in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include Sculptor at the start of sentence, Sculptor at the end of sentence and Sculptor in the middle of sentence

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Sculptor at the end of sentence

  1. She trained as a painter and Sculptor.
  2. She was highly regarded as a Sculptor.
  3. He turned his artistic gifts to good account by becoming a Sculptor.
  4. He turned his artistic talents to good account by becoming a Sculptor.
  5. Once again she got the distinct impression that he didn't want to talk about the Sculptor.
  6. But another scholar speculates that the figure was carved by a reclusive, avant-garde Sculptor.
  7. The latter is what follows from that, prints in the case of a graphic artist, editions for the Sculptor.

Sculptor in the middle of sentence

  1. A Sculptor forms her material.
  2. The Sculptor figured the girl in clay.
  3. He is a Sculptor who works mainly in stone.
  4. The Sculptor rounded the clay into a sphere.
  5. He was court Sculptor to Alexander the Great.
  6. They've been designed by Sculptor John Buckley.
  7. He is eminent both as a Sculptor and as a portrait painter.
  8. In 1608 Evesham was referred to as both Sculptor and painter.
  9. The Sculptor chiselled the lump of marble into a fine statue.
  10. Michelangelo, Sculptor, painter, architect, and poet, died in 1564.
  11. Second, the sculpture was made by the Sculptor on a fixed-price contract.
  12. I know a Sculptor who swaps her pieces for drawings by a well-known artist.
  13. He looks at a film in the editing room like a Sculptor and assembles the pieces.
  14. The ponchos permit the Sculptor an extra piece of authenticity by fudging the issue of equipment.
  15. But Sophie Ryder is a Sculptor who finds artistic merit in the more mundane aspects of rural life.
  16. Henry, a talented Sculptor and musician from Faringdon in Oxfordshire fell from a top floor window.
  17. Right to reproduce the wax model remains with the Sculptor, but his hired hand can reproduce the bronze.
  18. Yet he moulded his material not in the spirit of a dim recording clerk but as a Sculptor works his clay.
  19. According to the Sculptor, it symbolises the way in which victims of nasty remarks often seek comfort in chocolate.
  20. A Sculptor as well as a painter, Roscheck's watercolours are intended to provide ideal landscapes for her sculptures.
  21. The decoration on the monument is intended to convey the idea of Leonardo as artist, Sculptor, architect and engineer.
  22. For the first time since 1965, the Ladengalerie is exhibiting work by the Sculptor Fritz Cremer, now eighty-six years old.

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