Use of wisconsin in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include wisconsin at the start of sentence, wisconsin at the end of sentence and wisconsin in the middle of sentence

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wisconsin at the start of sentence

  1. Wisconsin required school attendance until the age of 16.
  2. Wisconsin Central Transportation Corp. bucked the trend, gaining 3 3 / 4 to 77 1 / 4.

wisconsin at the end of sentence

  1. She has an uncle who lives in wisconsin.
  2. The only job he has actively pursued was at his alma mater, wisconsin.
  3. He earned a master's degree in plant pathology from the University of wisconsin.
  4. Yet Menard stayed with the work until one day he and a companion were parted in wisconsin.
  5. Dahmer is serving life for murdering 17 men, including 15 butchered in Milwaukee, wisconsin.
  6. She was pretty much raised by a grandfather she calls an anarchist and studied cultural anthropology at the University of wisconsin.

wisconsin in the middle of sentence

  1. The success of the apprenticeships in wisconsin is catching on.
  2. New York cheddar cheese is different from wisconsin cheddar cheese.
  3. In wisconsin, the maximum profit is being written into the contracts.
  4. The closing of wisconsin Steel was, in many ways, like an earthquake.
  5. The conversation turned to the wisconsin primary of the previous year.
  6. Tommy Thompson of wisconsin has said he will not build any more prisons.
  7. In wisconsin and Michigan the future of state education is a central issue.
  8. The sites in Maine and wisconsin selected for the new mills were far from ideal.
  9. Gaylord Nelson of wisconsin, in a taped statement broadcast at the news conference.
  10. He is said to have thrown off pursuers by pedaling across the wisconsin state line.
  11. Buchanan had made inroads in wisconsin, where one early poll had him tied with Dole.
  12. The most significant tension, according to several sources, came between wisconsin Gov.
  13. The wisconsin experiment proved one could cobble together a fair approximation of a prairie.
  14. The University of wisconsin, for instance, formed one group to solicit donations from women.
  15. I was astonished at some of the men who were still working at wisconsin Steel when it closed.
  16. But Penn State won that game, and two weeks later wisconsin handed Michigan its third home defeat.
  17. It was odd to me that wisconsin Steel finally had a real union, just as the place technically ceased to exist.
  18. When Dole arrived in wisconsin three days later to give his speech, newspaper articles were quoting Clinton on welfare.
  19. This question was raised by some Amish children in wisconsin, and the Supreme Court provided some exceptions to this general rule.
  20. But then wisconsin proved Washington wrong; while spending per family has increased, overall spending has declined with the caseload.

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