Use of slavishly in Sentences. 18 Examples

The examples include slavishly at the start of sentence, slavishly at the end of sentence and slavishly in the middle of sentence

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slavishly at the end of sentence

  1. I followed the recipe slavishly.
  2. She followed the fashion slavishly.
  3. They only imitated us and our methods slavishly.

slavishly in the middle of sentence

  1. She slavishly copies the older girl's style.
  2. You don't need to stick slavishly to the recipe.
  3. His followers slavishly believed in his new diet.
  4. To mimic slavishly but often with an absurd result.
  5. Most have slavishly copied the design of IBM'sbig mainframe machines.
  6. It did not classify plants in quite the most slavishly simple manner.
  7. The first is that there is no need to follow slavishly the whole procedure for each offence.
  8. And stargazers who slavishly read those horoscopes are set for the sign of eternal damnation.
  9. Nor, on the other hand , do they slavishly accept everything which comes from Hollywood - or London.
  10. At times, Alvin clung slavishly to what little he had observed firsthand of the process of making dances.
  11. Follow the current fashion slavishly and pursuing the clothing with promised quality and limited availability ceaselessly.
  12. When a political columnist describes a cabinet minister in slavishly adoring terms, shouldn't we be told whether the two are pals?
  13. They also slavishly accepted the amnesty that Pinochet and his generals had granted themselves to avoid trial for their crimes against humanity.
  14. He has a cherubic face and big brown eyes, and despite working slavishly long hours, radiates a sense of exuberance uncommon in China's newsrooms.
  15. Although the Chinese government may not accept such intransigence, as in Google's case, the odds are better if firms slavishly follow the first rule.

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