Use of oedipus in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include oedipus at the start of sentence, oedipus at the end of sentence and oedipus in the middle of sentence

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oedipus at the start of sentence

  1. Oedipus of course resigned the throne.
  2. Oedipus took the matter in hand with energy.
  3. Oedipus came to Thebes and solved the riddle of the Sphinx.
  4. Oedipus is one of the most famous characters in Greek tragedy.
  5. Oedipus, Antigone and Socrates were the tragic figures mainly - concerned by Hegel.
  6. Oedipus will allow lexicographers to keep more than one entry in memory at the same time on the occasions when this is necessary.

oedipus in the middle of sentence

  1. Did the Sphinx give oedipus a clue?
  2. Make sure all oedipus users are logged off.
  3. Why did oedipus consult the oracle at Delphi?
  4. The oedipus Complex is a branch of psychoanalysis.
  5. Yes, King oedipus for his part, realised the sexual act.
  6. He received the aged oedipus whom everyone else had cast out.
  7. That resulted in Anti - oedipus, which marked a new progression.
  8. Freudian psychoanalysis explained his trouble as oedipus complex.
  9. What alternatives does oedipus have during the course of the play?
  10. According to Greek legend, it was oedipus who solved the riddle of the Sphinx.
  11. It does not begin with oedipus receiving the prophecy. All that is in the past.
  12. There is the oedipus Complex, at best, so easy to marry a wife more than Sister.
  13. Not wanting to know these things, not wanting to see himself, oedipus rips out his eyes.
  14. Signund Freud interpreted King oedipus by means of his psychoanalysis theory as an instrument.
  15. The discovery not of a social reality but of an individual female disease: the oedipus complex.
  16. Greek mythology the daughter of King oedipus who disobeyed her father and was condemned to death.
  17. Compare the impact of the following feeble denouement with that of oedipus who really was incestuous!
  18. On his wanderings oedipus came to Thebes, solved the riddle of the Sphinx, and thus delivered the city.
  19. For many years they treated oedipus with kindness(.com/oedipus.html), but at last they decided to expel him from the city.
  20. King oedipus by Sophocles-the famous playwright of ancient Greece-was a representative of the eternity of classical Greek tragedies.
  21. The Symbolic order assures him he can maintain his self through the repetition of positions first established in the oedipus complex.
  22. When oedipus abused Tiresias as having had a hand in the murder of Laius, Tiresias had the fearless courage to tell the truth that oedipus was the murderer.

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