Use of nous in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include nous at the start of sentence, nous at the end of sentence and nous in the middle of sentence

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nous at the start of sentence

  1. Nous sommes de grands amis.
  2. Nous avons fait une promenade dans la montagne.
  3. Nous n'allons pas voyager à cause de mauvais temps.

nous at the end of sentence

  1. Medames, peut - etre vous voulez venir avec nous?
  2. The Hammers' victory allied skill to discipline and tactical nous.
  3. He is a man of extraordinary vitality, driving ambition and political nous.
  4. Gradually, he confounded everyone with his burgeoning vocabulary and tactical nous.
  5. From a writer who edited Elle in its snazziest phase you would have expected more nous.
  6. But once it joined the risk - management game, Goldman steadily accumulated market nous.
  7. But then most of us could probably bluff our way into a second division club with a bit of nous.

nous in the middle of sentence

  1. At least she had the nous to ring.
  2. nous sommes tomb é es sur le cimeti è re.
  3. nous allons tenter l'impossible pour le sauver.
  4. Pour nous en sortir chacun devra faire des efforts.
  5. Anyone with a bit of nous would have known what to do.
  6. Enl è ve ton manteau que nous causions plus à l'aise.
  7. Ainsi, nous deviendrons plus comp é titifs, plus innovants.
  8. Les difficult é s qui nous attendent en 2009 seront grandes.
  9. nous avons eu du soleil depuis ( de ) Lyon jusqu 'à Valence.
  10. None of them had the nous to shut the door when the fire broke out.
  11. C'est l à qui nous guette au d é tour d'un sourire, notre avenir.
  12. Monsieur Dupont nous a apport é des disques de jazz. C'est fomidable.
  13. Votre invitation est pour nous un pr é cieux t é moignage de notre amiti é.
  14. His temperament and lack of tactical nous made him a bad choice from the start.
  15. Few ministers have the nous or the instinct required to understand the ramifications.
  16. He told me - and this is strictly entre nous - that he's going to ask Ruth to marry him.
  17. After posing the "seed" theory, Anaxagoras introduced "nous" in his world forming theory.
  18. Neither approached the tactical nous of cricket's most famous cravat wearer, Douglas Jardine.
  19. The same managerial nous is claimed by a remarkably similar Republican candidate in the Senate race.

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