Use of katydid in Sentences. 9 Examples

The examples include katydid at the start of sentence, katydid at the end of sentence and katydid in the middle of sentence

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katydid in the middle of sentence

  1. Golden Nephila spider has found a katydid in her web.
  2. The cicada is stilled. The chorus of the cricket and katydid diminishes.
  3. Of these you may eat any kind of locust, katydid, cricket or grasshopper.
  4. The katydid, a type of grasshopper, is active at night and rests motionless amid foliage during the day .
  5. One katydid is so renowned for this tactic that in German it is called a 'blutspritzer', or 'blood squirter'.
  6. Perched on a bright yellow lily, a Scudderia katydid nymph caught Barry's eye as he strolled through a Huntington public park.
  7. A bat with trumpet-like nostrils and a katydid that "aims for the eyes" were among the hundreds of species seen in Papua New Guinea in 2009.
  8. But because there are plenty of common katydids in upstate New York and in other parts of New England, it's hard to get funding for a katydid survey in New York City.
  9. The researchers are hoping to find evidence that the Common True katydid, once plentiful in New York City but now rare, is still thriving in some regions of the city.

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ضدی ,ڈھیٹ
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