Use of disinfectant in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include disinfectant at the start of sentence, disinfectant at the end of sentence and disinfectant in the middle of sentence

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disinfectant at the end of sentence

  1. Clean the infected area with disinfectant.
  2. The mats have to be impregnated with disinfectant.
  3. Please wash the dishes with the soapy water containing disinfectant.
  4. Despite the disadvantages sodium hypochlorite is a valuable disinfectant.
  5. If sterile equipment isn't available, the next best thing is to clean equipment with disinfectant.
  6. In addition, very high concentrations of alcohol can indeed kill cells, which is why it is used as a disinfectant.
  7. Equally empty once we arrived was the amazingly clean, white-tiled station at Mosholu Parkway, smelling heavily of recently used disinfectant.

disinfectant in the middle of sentence

  1. The nurse bathed the wound with disinfectant water.
  2. Put disinfectant down the toilet to kill any germs.
  3. There was a smell of disinfectant. Absolute silence.
  4. Get cleaning bucket and powder and disinfectant from the broom cupboard.
  5. Anney dabbed the cut with disinfectant and taped a gauze square over it.
  6. This type of disinfectant doesn't sting, even if you put it on a fresh cut.
  7. The taste like disinfectant stronger than he'd ever drunk confirmed it too.
  8. As I swabbed the table with disinfectant I had the old feeling of helplessness.
  9. She put some disinfectant on a piece of cotton wool and dabbed it on her cheek.
  10. Red Cross officials say they are running short of disinfectant and sterile bandages.
  11. Wash every item before use, and consider using an aquatic disinfectant on natural items.
  12. Once a suitable disinfectant is in use resistance will not occur if it is used correctly.
  13. Everywhere a strong smell of disinfectant and in the concrete corridors grey mops in galvanized buckets.
  14. In the kitchen I scoured the cupboards, and poured disinfectant over small black creatures like woodlice.
  15. By combining drying with the use of a disinfectant impregnated cloth in which case the final rinse is also omitted.
  16. Wipe the interior of the machine and dry thoroughly with a disinfectant impregnated cloth or disposable paper towel. 4.
  17. Inside, a faint whiff of disinfectant was almost overpowered by the heavy scent emanating from bowls of blue hyacinths.
  18. I can see the disinfectant manufactures rubbing their hands with glee, confident of selling still stronger-smelling concoctions.
  19. The Licensed Vintners Association, which represents Ireland's publicans, has told members to provide disinfectant for rural pubs.
  20. To be suitable for food environment application a disinfectant must be odourless, of low mammalian toxicity, non corrosive and non-tainting.
  21. Instruments All instruments should be immersed in either a suitable disinfectant or minimum 5 percent formaldehyde solution as soon as treatment has been completed.
  22. At worst the disinfectant is prematurely exhausted, an effect known as organic overload, allowing large numbers of micro-organisms to

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